Thursday, May 21, 2009

Starting to clean this mess

Allie has adopted the cutest behavior. She is no longer mad at me for bringing a baby home. She now has her own baby. My Mom bought her a sheep when she was here. Allie carries this sheep wherever me and Ryan go. If I go upstairs with him, she finds her sheep and brings it with her. We were giving Ryan a bath last night and Allie gave us her sheep, like it needed a bath, too. She tucked her sheep in bed last night and she even gave her sheep tummy time on the Boppy. It is so adorable!!! What a good Mommy Miss Allie is.

Well, I have started cleaning and organizing this mess of a house. With my lack of energy still from surgery and bed rest and a newborn, I have to take it slow, but I'm working on it. I finished the 3rd bedroom, which wasn't too much. I also reorganized the nursery and cleaned it. That took some more work. Ryan has a huge wardrobe so I reorganized it. I just have the newborn stuff hanging in the closet now and everything else is in drawers, which took up every drawer in the armoire, so all the burp cloths, receiving blankets, and all other bedding and bath stuff had to be moved elsewhere. We hung more pics and redecorated a bit. I am happy with it, at least for now. Oh and I got the girls clothes out, which we will store in case we have a girl. I am sure Ryan appreciates taking pink out of his room! Just have the pink Boppy still, which is weird because someone purchased a Boppy slipcover off my registry the end of March that we never received. There is also a car mirror so we can see Ryan that we never got. That was ordered in May. I called BRU, but both were purchased in store and not shipped by them so they couldn't help me. They couldn't tell me which locations they were purchased at either. I feel bad because someone spent money and I don't know who and I can't say thank you! Any hoo, I will take some pics later pf the revamped nursery.

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