Friday, February 12, 2010

Our five year journey 2/12/2010

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, in a land far, far away.  OK, no, just kidding.

Soooooooo today is our 5 year anniversary!  xoxoxoxo

Way back in July 2004, I was moving into my very first apartment on my own and I took a trip to St. Marys to see my mom and to get some furniture from her to fill my apartment with.  She took me to a restaurant called Dicks Wings to buy a T shirt.   I happened to sit next to this guy who started talking to me....Sean of course!  He was wiating for his Dominos pizza next door and had decided to come into Dicks and wait for it and have a Coke and play video games.  Well, he asked if he could give me his # and I said, "No, cuz I'll never call you, but you can have mine." He gave me his any way, and I gave him mine.  I stiill have the card with his # and the words "come down and jump sometime" written on it b/c we had been talking about sky diving.  Any way,  he called me 2 hours later and asked me to go out with him that night.  I didn't want to, but my mom made me!  So, I did.  We went to one of his friend's house and then out.  By the end of the night, I KNEW I was going to marry him, and he knew too....and so did my mom!  After dating for 4 months, he proposed to me at my apartment in Atlanta.  My Dad had come up for the weekend to take me to a football game.  Sean took him out to b-fast at Waffle House (lol) and asked his permission.  That evening, he left little notes all over the house directing me to the balcony, where he was waiting in the freezing cold on one knee.  I stepped over these notes for about half an hour, while I was chit chatting on the phone and cleaning.....I'm so OCD.  Any way, he finally poked his head in and asked me to please come outside.  Poor guy!  Of course I said yes and we celebrated with Godiva chocolates and Shrek!  lol

We were married exactly 3 months later at Dunwoody Country Club in Dunwoody, GA.  We then honeymooned at the Presidential Suite at the Westin in downtown Atlanta for a few days.  To describe this sweetness would take a whole other post, so I'll skip that part.  Let's just say that Justin Timberlake and Chistina Aguilera have also stayed where we were...and best of all, it was free!  :) 

On Valentine's Day we packed up and drove across the country to California.....our new home.........stopping along the way in FL (not on the way....another long story), MS, CO, NM and then finally to San Clemente, CA!  Well, first we stayed in a Red Roof Inn  in Carlsbad, CA for about a month while waiting for base housing.  Not the best beginnings to a marraige.  Sean had to start work right away and found out the first week we arrived to So Cal that he would be deploying in July.  Sean was basically gone any way from Feb until July because of training for the deployment.  We moved into our base housing and thank goodness I meet a lot of wonderful people (my extended family) who I still miss so much, but try to keep in touch with! I couldn't have done it without  my girls Megan, Morgan and Christa.   Sean left July 15, 2004 and returned home February 19, 2005.  He missed our first anniversary.  He also missed our first T-Day, Christmas and New Year's and V Day.

We both were pretty broken after his deployment and were granted an honorable discharge from the Marine Corps and packed up all of our stuff and traveled back across the country stopping along the way in San Fran, Vegas, AZ, CO, St. Louis, Nashville and the ATL until we finally got here after a month long journey with our Weimaraner Allie.  O yah, I forgot to say that on our move to Cali we bought our first puppy in CO...Allie.......we potty trained her at the Red Roof Inn!  So, we came to FL to live with my Dad for a year and a half.  How blessed we were to have my dad during that time!  We finally fixed ourselves and got back on our feet, saved a lot of money and got our very first home September 2008, just one week after finding out that we were pregnant with our first child!!!!!!

I ended up having some complications with my pregnancy in March and was in the hospital for 6 weeks and bed rest for another 2 weeks after that at home.  Thank the Lord, we ended up going full term and giving birth via C section to a very healthy baby boy, our love, Ryan Nicholas on April 29, 2009.

Now, after a year and a half of being a manager for 2 Men and a Truck, we decided it would be best for Sean to be a SAHD and for me to return to school.  I'm in my first semester of nursing school and will be an RN next May!  Hooray!  I haven't returned to the workforce since last March and I am thoroughly enjoying my dual roles of SAHM and full-time student and wifey.   I love being able to spend this time with my hubby and my son.  God has blessed us with so much.

I am so excited to see what will happen over the next 5 years of our marriage!  Wow, if it's anything like the first 5, who knows, we could be living in Isthanbul raising camels.  hee hee

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SM, 143, LOVEY YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


~ Noelle said...

Aww, Happy Anniversary!
I am so very happy for you both!

HB said...

Thank you Noelle! xoxo