Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Morning

A book about the Sonoran Desert :)

Dr. Seuss (our fave) and an apple!  Kinda funny.....the apple was Ryan's most appreciated gift.  My mom had just sort of put it in his stocking to be silly, but he LOVED it and ate about the whole thing, right dwn to the core.  Hey, it's the little things, right!?  And don't mind the hair!  Our son can wake up with the craziest 'dos!!!!

Grandpa Mike

Sean got a giftcard from Best Buy.  He is starting to save up for a tablet........not the iPad.......he found one that he likes better than that, has more features and is less's called a Galaxy by Samsung.

Told you he really liked the apple!

My mommy, Ry's Goo-Gaa


~ Noelle said...

love them........
need to study more about this tablet...

HB said...

I will let you know what we think of it after we get it!