Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I can see the finish line!

I took my final on Monday and passed, which means I have passed nursing school!  I graudate May 7th at Tropicana Field and we have a nursing pinning ceremony on the 5th, which is more of a tradition thing.  I am so excited!  Not so fast though!  I still have a test next Monday called the EOP or end of program; it doesn't effect me graduating, but I do have to pass it.  Hopefully  pass it the first time.  I guess you take it till you pass.  Then I have to do 120 hours or ten 12 hour shifts at the hopsital following a nurse on her schedule.  I start that next Tuesday.  I already got her schedule and it's not too bad.  I work from 7a to 7p, usually 2 days in a row and then I have 3 days off.  We have to have that done by May 5th.  Then I sign up to take my NCLEX, which are the state boards, so I can get my RN license.  Let's hope I pass that the first time, too!  Soooooo, yep, I am officially done with classes and I get my diploma on the 7th!  The support from my hubby has been unbelievable.  He is an awesome stay-at-home dad and does a better job than me!  I will be taking over his job if he starts the nursing program this fall. He applied, but we haven't found out if he was accepted yet.  Some big shoes I have to fill!  Oh and please pray that I get April 30th off!  I am supposed to work with my nurse that day, but that day is also Ryan's 2nd birthday party.  We already have a shelter booked and we are throwing his party with Brodie b/c their BD's are a day apart and me and Cicely thought it would be fun to have their BD's together......and easier since our 2nd babies are only 10 days apart!  I just can't even fathom not being able to go to my son's second birthday!  That would be heartbreaking. 


~ Noelle said...

also, praying that things work out for you

HB said...

thank you! xoxo