Since Hailey's birth we have been busy and relaxing all at the same time!
My MIL AKA Grammy came for a visit and stayed 9 days with us. Even got to spend Hunter's birthday with us! She was such a blessing and it was a joy to have her here and spend time with her!
My Dad came in for a long weekend and just left a few hours ago. We also loved having him here and are excited that we get to see him and more of my family in just a couple of short days when we fly down to Florida.
My Mom has not gotten to meet Hailey yet, but we did get to see her and my Aunt Holli right before she was born!
Our good friend Becca also came for a short visit to take pictures of Hailey. She is amazing!
Sean is on Spring Break right now and it is sooooo nice to have him home!
Our church was so sweet to bring us meals everyday for like a whole week! We can't say enough how much that helped!!!
Hailey is doing great! She nurses well and sleeps well. She gets a little bit of nighttime fussiness for about an hour or so, but no complaints! She is precious!
We took Hunter, Andrew, and Hailey in for well checkups last week and they are all healthy and doing well, Praise the Lord! Hailey is over 9 pounds now!
I started back to work last Sunday and worked 3 shorter shifts. I cried the whole way there and once I got there that first shift back, but the other 2 shifts I did much better. Hailey took to a bottle feeding perfectly, thank God! Now, I am off for another 2 weeks. :0) Then I start back to 2 shifts week from 3-11. I am so grateful to have the job I have! It is such a blessing to our family!
And that leaves us with packing and getting ready for our FL vacay!
Bye for now!!!!!!!