Saturday, January 23, 2016

Addison Marie is here!

While we were having a baby, the kiddos were making snow ice cream! :)

Wednesday morning, I woke up to a couple of signs of either labor or impending labor.  I had an OB appointment any way that afternoon, but the weather was to complicate things because we had  snow coming in.  The OB actually called me and asked if I could come in early and Sean and I agreed.  We decided to go ahead and ask for The Bates girls and Courtney Green to come over before the weather got bad to watch the kids, in case we stayed at the hospital.  So, we headed off to the OB going 25 mph the whole way there!  It took an hour.  Dr. Hayes checked me and I was dilated to 4 so because of yes you guessed it.....the weather......she decided to strip my membranes and send me over to L and D for observation.  We were there from about noon until 530, at which time I was admitted.  In that time span, we did a lot of walking and I would have contractions that were strong, but not consistent.  They put me on the monitors twice.  I think they would have let us stay overnight even though we weren't sure I'd be having a baby.  Well, then the nurse checked me at 530 and to all of our surprise I was dilated to an 8!!!!!!  And so that is when I wa admitted.  Dr. Metcalf decided to break my water, which we thought would really speed things up because my contractions still weren't consistent, but it didn't really change anything.  It sure did when they broke my water with Hailey!  And that's why every pregnancy story is different!  Any way, some time later, Dr Metcalf decided it was time to start Pitocin to try to regulate contractions.  I was feeling discouraged and defeated and he had already left the room and I think I said something along the lines of "I guess I don't have a choice".  I really didn't want Pitocin.  It makes trying to have a natural L and D a lot harder because the contractions are a lot stronger and it makes it harder to relax and just let my body take over.  Sean said, "Well of course you have a choice" and the nurses chimed in in agreement.  Only later did we find out that Dr. Metcalf thought we had been started on the Pitocin because the nurses didn't tell him that we hadn't.  They suggested we talk about it and then  they would come back.  Sean and I unbeknownst to one another just started fervently praying.  For about 45 mins.  I closed my eyes and just focused on meditating on 2 scriptures the Lord had brought to my mind: "I can do all things through Jesus Christ, which stengtheneth me" and "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him".  Any time I felt my mind going towards discouragement, I would repeat over and over "We can do this" and "My body was created to do this".  Through the power of God and His awesomeness, contractions started coming every 4 mins, and then every 2, and then it was time to call the nurses.  I did about 4 rounds of practice pushes and then they called Dr. Metcalf back in, and I did about 3 more rounds of pushes and then our precious, sweet, sweet Addison Marie was born at 849 pm January 20th weighing 8 lbs 4 oz and 21.5 in long.  She was and IS perfect.  God's perfect creation.  She has been doing very well.  She has a little jaundice and she likes to only pee like once or twice a day and she spits up a little, but she's just trying to figure all this new stuff out I suppose.  They sent us home yesterday right before the next round of snow.  I've been doing well, too!  I had a tear, but I don't really have much pain.  Just been resting a lot and letting Sean do more, which has stressed him out a little.  We have really purposed for me to rest more this time around instead of trying to be super woman.  The kiddos have been so excited to have their new sister and that's all they have been talking about and they have been really sweet with her.  We've got our snow baby!  It's snowing as I type.  :)  

I feel so reenergized and on fire for the Lord and more in love with Jesus!  He is amazing!  

A couple of other testimonies:  Addison had just gone over 24 hours without a wet diaper and they had paged the pediatrician.  The nurse had come in to give us our options and then left so we could talk about it.  Once again, we started praying separately, and she peed!  We also prayed for food that was taking over an hour to get to us and as soon as we prayed, it arrived....even with a 2nd tray for Sean for free.  :)  

We are really learning the power of prayer and the importance of going to the father for everything through prayer FIRST!  The funny thing is, we both had felt unable to pray all that day (Addison's birthday), so I'm so thankful that somehow that all changed.  

Lastly, on this forever long post, pray for Dr. Brown, who is the pediatrician at the hospital and for his salvation.  He was asking one of the nurses about us, asking why we seemed different.  She stated JESUS!  And he said he knew she was going to say that!  He said, they prayed and had a baby, then they prayed again and their baby had a wet diaper and then they prayed again and their baby passed the glucose test.  Again, all the glory to God and we are just thankful He used us and maybe a seed was planted for Dr. Brown.  


Kate said...

Congratulations! Love the name Addison.

forevermyfamilyfourshe said...

Oh be still my heart! What a precious little baby girl!! Congratulations to you, daddy, big brothers and big sister!
The Lord truly does answer prayers, doesn't He? Not always in our timing, but He sure knows what is best and watches out for us! So happy that everything went well and that you all are healthy and home! Good job, beautiful momma!

HB said...

Thank you!!!! :) xoxo

Christine said...

God is so good! And how I love that He answered all your prayers and used those moments to speak to your Doctor. He will be in my prayers! Congratulations on your newest family member...Addison! Enjoy your family and the snow!

~ Noelle said...

So happy for you!

HB said...

Thank you!