Friday, April 11, 2014


I'm realizing I don't really do much with this blog like I used to.  I still do get on it a lot because I've been reading old posts (thank goodness I DON'T ramble as much as I used to!!!!) I guess I could make the excuse that I'm busy with the kiddos, which I am, and hubby, church, home, work, etc. etc.  Sometimes I feel like I don't really have anything at all remotely interesting to say.  Like now!!  lol  Also, I am unable to upload pictures from my computer and my laptop is broken and so I have to use Sean's Mac for uploading pictures.  Which is another thing I don't do like I used to.  Photography.  Nor do I hardly ever use Photoshop like I used to. OK, this is starting to sound a bit depressing and boring!  :p

Any way, thought I would just write a little because I haven't in a little.  Sean is home early today and so I am ready to go spend time with him.  We are doing well and very excited about the things I have been reading in Created to be His Help Meet.   By Debi Pearl.  Totally wonderful and convicting book that I wished I would have read before I got married (if I had even been saved, which I wasn't).  We are also starting to campaign a bit for Zach Bates, who is running for county mayor for our county (Anderson).  Anyone living in Anderson County, VOTE FOR ZACH!!!! :)  We have been handing out flyers and have put up some roadside signage and are going to be doing more for them tomorrow....door knocking!!!  I'm a little scared!  I think we will work the polls for him on May 6th (the primary election).  It's been fun! 

Tomorrow is Alyssa Bates shower and should be a nice time of fellowship!  Another wedding right around the corner!!!!!  I'm excited to bring the baby girl with me! 

Speaking of her, Hailey is doing wonderful!  6 weeks already!!!!  She smiles and coos and is such a delight!

Ryan has a birthday coming up the end of this month and we plan to go to Dollywood and get season passes.  We've never been and are looking forward to that. 

Andrew has hit the terrible 2's at 19 months and poor lil guy is just a fussy man!  Usually I can ignore it; sometimes it gets under my skin.  Either way, I feel bad for him; it doesn't look like much fun at all!  The biggest thing is remembering to ignore him and not give him what he wants.  Even when I do this to try to please him and get him to quiet down, he finds something new to immediately fuss about!!!! 

The house has shown twice this past week and is set to show again this afternoon and Sunday.  I have not had the best attitude about it.  Seems like they always wanna come at inconvenient times (HA!!!).  Usually around mealtimes.  And of course I don't wanna move.  I like this house and moving is a lot of work.  I know it's God's plan and His will is best.  On the other hand, a new unknown adventure is a little exciting. 

Spring is here and the blooming flowers and greenery is gorgeous!  Some warmer days have been nice, too, but our weather is still very much back and forth from chilly, to cold, to warm.  I try to remember not to forget that soon enough it will be 90 and hot everyday and I will be dreaming of the 60s!!!  :) 

Work has been super busy when I'm there!  Makes the time fly!  My amazing husband has been holding down the house while I go in, which is 2 shifts a week from 3pm until 11pm-ish.  I am very thankful for the job God has given me and I am happy to be a blessing.  It is nice though because I am off for a week right now!  :)

Sean has decided to extend his school career a bit longer.  He was set to graduate May 2014, but now it will probably be December 2014.  He was overloading himself with classes and unable to keep up and was getting too stressed out.  He actually just dropped one of his classes this semester, too.  I'm just trying to help him as much as possible, but the extra time with him is nice for me and the children!

We just did our big shopping day at 3 Rivers (our co-op) and loaded up on a bunch of organic yummy goodness at a high price!!!   Worth it, but we did just find out from a friend at church that Earth Fare is 10% off all the time for military (active and vets!!!)  Also, I just read in the paper today that Wal-Mart is going to start selling more organic at a much cheaper price!  Excellent! 

OK, I have officially made a post so that it doesn't look like I don't exist in blogger world anymore!!!! 

God bless!  Bye for now!


~ Noelle said...

where are yall looking at moving?

HB said...

Where ever we can find a new rental. Maybe Powell. It's just right up the road. Where ever God leads us. Of course not leaving E TN! :)