Sunday, January 25, 2015

Andrew ER Visit

Andrew visited the ER at Children's on Friday....twice. 

During lunch he fell off the bar stool.  I didn't see it, but I was in the room.  He cried pretty bad, but then he started acting really lethargic and then he vomited.  Sean took him straight to the emergency room.  They did a comprehensive assessment and observed him for a few hours, but cleared him and sent him home. 

He seemed to be doing OK, but later in the evening he started vomiting again so Sean took him back to the ER.  This time they did a CT scan and it was decided that he has a mild concussion. 

Well, come to find out he also has a left ear infection and the beginnings of left mastoiditis.  AND HE HAS TUBES IN HIS EARS!!!  I know he can still get infections, but I have to say I was pretty surprised because he hasn't been exhibiting signs of an ear infection, although he rarely does. 

The Lord is good and knew what we needed because without the CT scan we would not have known about the mastoiditis because that can't be visualized with the otoscope.  The ER doc said he would have ended up hospitalized with that. 

He was given a shot of Rocephin in the hospital for the mastoiditis and then sent home with 15 days worth of antibiotics and Zofran for nausea and ear drops. 

He is also supposed to rest for 3 weeks and not watch TV.  We are not succeeding so well at that. 

He seems to be doing well.  He is rooming with us for a few days and I'm getting some nice cuddle time with our little koala. 

One of the ER nurses called back yesterday and said that his CT scan was read by a radiologist again and there is a slight possibility that Andrew has Chiari malformation.  I'm not really going to go into all of that since we don't even know at this point if he has it or not, but if you look it up, you can read more about it. 

Lunch is ready.........


~ Noelle said...

Oh no!
Hope he is okay now...
That is no joke.

HB said...

Thanks and hugs!!!!