Sunday, August 7, 2011

Awesome reminder

If ever irritated by crying babies, toddlers who need correcting, messes in the house, dirty diapers, and hungry mouths.....just remember you were given the special gift of being a Mommy and that EVERYTHING else like dishes, cooking, cleaning, internet, errands, chores, etc., are distractions.  They are things that most likely take you away from your God given, God called purpose in life.  My dear husband had to remind me of that today.  It has been a super busy week of VBS at church and today we are getting ready to leave for vacation so it has been busy around here packing and whatnot.  Very easy ways for me to get frustrated with my children when my to do list is 8 miles long.  But a sweet cuddle and a toothless (or tooth-full) grin is always better than unloading a dish or matching clean socks. 

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