Sunday, September 13, 2009


Ok, I find this hilarious so I had to share quickly. I am watching my football game, ugg, they're losing. Any way, so Sean and I are back in the nursery with the 0-2's once a month like we used to be. We hadn't done it since February. So, we have two babies today. One is ours. The other one is our Pastor's daughter's (Jasmine) mechanical baby that she has to take care of as a school assignment. It cries, you have to feed it, change it, etc, all like a real baby. She even said it kept her up all night and then we she actually had to get up this morning, it was sleeping. I said, yep, that's what really happens, too! Any way, so the fake baby starts to cry and Sean tries to feed it, that doesn't work, so he changes its diaper and that makes it stop crying. When it was time to leave, I'm all asking Sean if we just leave the baby in there or do we actually have to wait for Jasmine to come and get it. Way funny! We watched a fake baby! Oh and they should start that school project in middle school - high school unfortunately is too late for some girls.


Becca said...

that's hilarious BTW..i read this from my phone and can't comment through it for some reason but i LOLed when i read it. Nursery duty with a doll...

HB said...

Yah, I thought it to be pretty freakn hilarious!!!! :)