Monday, July 28, 2008


It was so nice to have the day off yesterday with my gorgeous husband. We went to church. Then we met Auntie M at the town home so she could see it. We came home and did a lot around the house and had a very good long talk and put some songs on the iPod. Then we drove down to Clearwater Beach and Sand Key. We ended up at Shepherd's. I hadn't been there in forever and Sean had never been there. We had fun and it was definitely a good place to people watch. I could have done without the 10 dollar parking charge and the 8 dollar cover, but it was still a good time. It is just one big party and the people there are a little too (OK, a lot) too crazy for me and Sean. Let's just say that the girls there were acting more like they were dancers at a strip club than at the beach chilling. 93.3 was there live. But, any way it was entertaining and the view of the water was nice. I am glad Sean and I are not like that. I totally used to be, but I sure have calmed down a lot and changed. At times I think I may be boring, but yesterday made me realize I am not boring; we have so much fun and it doesn't include getting wasted and making a fool out of myself, which is a really good thing in my book. I don't know what was so attractive about going out and partying in the first place, but I sure did like to do it all the time. Not no more. We would go back to Shepherd's again for a beer, but that's about it. Anyhoo, after that we met Dave and Michelle and Paul and Tanya and the boys at Shells. It was a good day!


Becca said...

Yeah once youleave the 'partying' lifestyle and then look back into it, it's just weird. On my 21st bday we went to a club and while i had fun dancing with my friend, it is not something that i could ever see doing every weekend.

HB said...

true dat! LOL

Katie Walochik said...

yeah, we NEVER partied together! HAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! yeah right! Anyway, I've come to realize that I'm not 21 anymore and now my hangovers are a b*tch! And like you, it's kinda hard for me to watch girls act trampy...were we ever that way? I hope not.

P.S.-I'm obviously catching up with your blog!