Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tampa Bay Ski Team

So, we decided to go to Oldsmar and see the Tampa Bay Ski team practice. It's free! This is what the weather looked like when we got there.

However, it really only sprinkled, and we just sat in our car for that part.

Ryan after the ski show on the way home.

Last night was the lock in with the youth group at church. We did the scavenger hunt and Ryan was so good. It was hilarious - all the things we did around town with the kids (asking a cop to sing "Bad Boys", getting a fireman's autograph and asking if he has seen 101 Dalmatians, get strangers to sing and do the motions to YMCA, etc, etc.). It was fun and our team won! Then we had pizza with them. Then it was off to do laser tag, but Ryan started getting fussy, so we decided just to come home. He had, had a big day and was totally off schedule. During the day we had gone to my friend's daughter's 2nd birthday party. It was really cute. She had baked ladybug cupcakes and hand painted ladybug gift bags for the kiddos. Ryan got one, too. :O) Sean even got to stop by on his lunch break.

Today, while Sean worked, me and Ryan went to the kids consignment store. I got 4 books, a Boppy slipcover and 2 kiddo movies for $10!. Then to BRU to get a new diaper bag, a teether cloth and a monkey picture for his nursery. Ryan got a check from his GREAT GREAT grandmother, so it was a fun little shopping trip and I think I did pretty well money wise.

Now we are back home and watching our first preseason football games - the Bucs on one TV and the Bears on another one (the smaller TV of course!). hee hee

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