1. Artist. Capturing images and turning them into masterpieces.
2. Beautiful woman inside and out.
3. Courageous. Single mother with a very limited income.
4. Dreamer. Hoping, wishing and always working towards fulfilling your dreams.
5. Enjoyment in her family, friends, art and travel.
6. France. A place you loved when you got to visit there (as did Weesie).
7. Gorgeous woman.
8. Hettie. I appreciate you more than words can ever express and love you more than you could ever know and miss you terribly so.
9. Idol. Yep, ur my idol!
10. Jokes. Oh how you can make me laugh. :O)
11. Kind heart and a kind soul.
12. Loving mother.
13. Mom: Happy Mother's Day!
14. Neat (un) : Ha! Never your strong suit! Why did I become such a Neat Nellie?
15. Openness with sharing your thoughts and feelings.
16. Personable: You're shy, but once you open up and get to know others, you are a true friend!
17. Queen. I used this word because it reminded me of Weesie. It is a fitting word for your mother. I know you miss her, especially today. I miss her, too.
18. Radiant: When you smile and when you are happy doing the things you love, you exude radiance.
19. Stability: Even in the most uncertain times, you gave me a stable home to grow up in.
20. Teacher. I know subbing was far from easy!
21. Urgent. Sean I need to get to Arizona urgently to see you and Mike and TC!
22. Voice. Till then, we can only hear your sweet voice. (grandma said we sounded exactly alike today).
23. Wacky. For sure! You are crazy wacky and that is something I don't think many mothers and daughters get to share. I used to be embarrassed by it, now I embrace it!
24. Xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
25. Yellow: If I had to choose a color to describe you, yellow it would be.
26. Zebra. Just as unique as each zebra's stripes, so is my mama.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwwwww :) love it
Yay, hope mom does too!
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